Sunday 1 November 2015

Keep it jealously for your husband !

                                             Image result for how girls should protect your virginity
Doest it still matter to be a virgin as a woman of God? Is it still a big deal to your future husband if you’re not a virgin anymore? If you’re not a virgin anymore, are you considered a sinner and should you be shameful about it?
Long long time ago, losing a virginity of a woman is like a disgrace, even Joseph (biological father of Jesus) thought of divorcing Mary because she’s conceiving without having a sexual contact with

Saturday 31 October 2015

Five Things Your Wife Wishes You’d Know but Won’t Tell You

                                                   Five Things Your Wife Wishes You’d Know but Won’t Tell You
Here are five things your wife would like you to know but for a variety of possible reasons, she won’t tell you.
  1. She feels overwhelmed and likes when you take charge. Between taking care of the children, making dinner, and keeping the home together, not to mention working, she has a lot on her plate. She wants you to be her partner, not another person to take care of. That’s why it’s music to her ears when you offer to make dinner or do bath time, even though you may have worked all day. Picking up some of the slack provides her tremendous relief and she sincerely appreciates it. Don’t wait for

50 Ways to Make your Husband Happy

      How to Please the Man in Your Life ?

When was the last time you did something special to make your husband happy? The man you exchanged vows with is so much more than just a provider and a pair of useful hands around the house. He is someone who is always there to cheer you up when you are feeling low and to celebrate with, when the good times are around. A husband is your lover, your companion and a wonderful father to your kids.
So, isn’t it time you did something fun and unexpected to gladden your

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Ten Reasons Why Sex Should Wait Until Marriage

I learned many lessons in my daily dealing with young ones, especially the female ones...they get disturbed everyday by the opposing sex of which they found themselves succumbing to their proposal (toasting) after several days of pressurizing and flattering.

Image result for consequences of pre marital sex

But here are some reasons why I think you should avoid sex prior your colorful impending day of joy...

  1. Sex is a powerful force that can destroy if not used properly. Like atomic power, sex is

25 Signs You’ve Found Your Life Partner

                                        Alexandra Sophie
The quest to find our one true “person” is always on the forefront of our minds.
It’s almost impossible to escape the desire to find our soulmates when rom-coms are flooding our television screens, adorable couples are taking over our Instagram pages and most of our friends are getting engaged or married.

When we step back and see couples around us experiencing the “head over heels” type of love, we realize how much being alone really sucks.
And, because of this, we start to

6 Ways to Reduce Period Pain

 Image result for period pain

1. Supplement Yourself

Take calcium and magnesium supplements throughout the month, as these nutrients work in concert to aid muscle relaxation. You should aim for a total of about 1000mg of calcium daily, and up to 500mg of magnesium daily.  If you experience loose stools, reduce the dose. (Note: we recommend you use calcium citrate, because it tends to be more easily absorbed into the system than calcium carbonate.)

2. Try a Tea

Raspberry leaf is considered to be a


When couples first start dating, they may overlook their differences, but once a relationship becomes long-term and the couple falls out of the honeymooner stage, these differences can become disastrous. The root cause of a breakup of a relationship is the

Monday 5 October 2015

Why do people indulge in an extramarital affair ?

People all around are having extramarital affairs, regardless of their socioeconomic background or location. Some instances come as a shock because when things seem to be going well in the marriage. You can't help but wonder — Why?

Something obviously went wrong somewhere. Here are some possible reasons as to why people indulge in an extramarital affair.

1. Early marriage
People who marry in their early 20s would most likely have achieved some level of stability and social standing by their mid-30s. At that point, they